Sunday, February 16, 2014

Why it's Impossible to Take a Break from Homeschooling

We tried to take a break from homeschooling this week, but the learning just kept happening...

We tried to just eat dinner, but ended up surveying and charting food preferences.

We tried just reading bedtime stories, but were transported to another time and place with a "Little House in the Big Woods".

We tried just playing with dolls, but reenacted some ice dancing moves we'd seen on a live telecast of the Olympic Games.

We tried just watering our beans,

but our beans became sprouts.  

We tried just painting with watercolors, but made one of a kind art pieces.

We tried just looking at photos of our vacationing grandparents, but got a lesson in the geography and culture of another country.

We tried just coloring with markers, but learned how to say the name of a new color.

We tried just having friends stop by to drop some things off, but sat down to take turns reading pages of a book to each other.

We tried just performing on stage for an audience, but experienced the pay off of a long term commitment. 

We tried taking a break from homeschooling, but- the learning never stops.

Find us on Facebook at Where the Stream Runs Blue :)


  1. Looks like the PERFECT week! Good job momma! I found your link from A Nurse's Wildflowers Homeschool Weekly Moments and Musings LINKUP

  2. Thanks, Heather! Sorry, I am too technologically challenged to add the button on my page- maybe I can get some pointers from you some time ;)
