Friday, April 11, 2014

Week in Review: Oak Meadow Kindergarten ~ Week 13

I donned my old professional hat for a few days this week so the kids got to spend lots of quality time with their grandparents and the sun came out which allowed us to rendezvous at the park one day for lunch.

Though far from the two week's worth we flew through last week, we did do some school work including an intrdocution to letter J:

It may not look like much at first glance, but it's actually a good representation of how far we have come in our homeschooling journey thus far.

As you can see on the right side of the paper, sister was working hard to glue down some yarn in the shape of a J as the curriculum suggested.  I gave it a try too but still no luck.  I've avoided wet glue in our lesson books so we problem solved out loud about how to approach what was proving to be a challenging task.  In the past, I think we would have both become frustrated pretty quickly, but I stayed calm and sister came up with a solution: tape the yarn to the paper.  She was further excited when discovering that you can color on top of tape.  

Small triumphs.

We also reviewed numbers 1-6, with the curriculum suggesting we match the numbers to a group of obejcts.  I divided a sheet of paper into six boxes for sister (though I realized I could and should have coached her on how to do it herself) and she wrote in one number per box. 

I gave her a handful of paper clips with each of the quantities linked together.  Counting was tricky and some of the links had to be switched around after recounting

but with brother lending a hand 

they were able to get the job done.

Sister couldn't resist the opportunity to up-cycle the paper clips by connecting them all together and adding a little bling to her outfit.

When soaking up the sunshine that stuck around through the end of the week, sister concocted a "potion" of various backyard items including recent addition: the bluebell.

She assured me that the chickens were appreciative.  I hope the neighbors were, too.

We did one day of Easy Peasy on the computer and sister continues to amaze me with how quickly her reading skills are progressing.

More than just ability, her confidence is blossoming.  After taking turns reading a page each in "Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!" she offered to read the book by herself first to me and later to Daddy.    

Uncertain of what the future holds, I amstriving  to remain grateful for now.

Now is magic.  

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  1. Thank you for linking up this post with the Hearts for Home Blog Hop! I featured it as one of my favorites, so feel free to stop by and grab an "I Was Featured" button for your blog. Hope to see you back again!

  2. Thank you so much, Anne! I really appreciate it :)
